Song: “Absolutely Right” by The Five Man Electrical Band
Mood: 6.5
Nightmares: 1
Ghosts: Lots
I zonked out last night before I could write up a post. I’ve been trying to maintain some of the momentum that I had going while working with FA on her project, and I find I’m quite a bit more tired at the end of the day. I think that’s a good sign.
My Dr W appointment yesterday went alright. He’d been on vacation so I hadn’t seen him for about a month, and the last time we talked, I’d been having some difficulties with nightmares and my brain yelling at me. I was pleased to be able to tell him that things were much better and that I’d been a lot more active both physically and mentally. At our last appointment, we had discussed possibly increasing some of my medications; yesterday, we were talking about lowering some of them. This makes me happy for a few reasons: I don’t like taking the number of or quantity of drugs if I don’t have to, fewer pills means less worrying about whether I’ve taken them, and every time my prescriptions are reduced it feels like a win or that I’m making progress. We also talked about how busy I’ve been lately and he was very pleased that I’m out walking more, going out to stores more, and using my wrinkly old brain more.
As part of my attempt to keep busy, I’ve been designing things to print instead of just downloading models and printing them up the easy way. It keeps me thinking, and I’m getting more familiar with the various tools and parts of the design software. It also feels neat when I take something off the printer and it does exactly what I was hoping it would. Of course, when something turns out horribly or is the wrong size or whatever, it’s not quite as gratifying, but oh well.
I’ve been in touch with FA while she’s away. She was hoping to show off the project we worked on, but while we got everything working, the conference building’s wi-fi is not cooperating. It’s got one of those “portals” where you have to agree on terms and conditions, and it hadn’t occurred to me that that would be a problem. I should’ve thought of that – I’ve been in plenty of hotels that have the same portal – but I didn’t. Had I known, I would’ve installed the desktop version of Raspbian on the Pi so she could’ve VNCed to it and used a normal web browser instead of the text-based tools that are available. I’m pretty disappointed – when we got the thing working last Friday, I thought all of the obstacles were behind us. I hope FA isn’t too embarrassed or upset about the thing not working – and not working for such a silly reason, too…
J and I had delicious burritos last night for supper (Jeebus they’re good) and watched some more Brooklyn Nine-Nine. J also noticed that one of the fish (Fat Fish) isn’t looking so well. He’s getting up in age (almost three!) but I hope he’s got another year or two in him.
Stay safe.