Song: N/A
Mood: 6
Nightmares: 0
Today went better than I was expecting. I boiled water on the stove, turned the element off, and then left the kitchen. Each time I was able to keep myself from going into the kitchen and checking the stove. If things go well again tomorrow, I think I will call Dr P and see about trying to knock another trigger or two off the list this weekend. I’m a little dismayed at having to do this stuff again but it seems to be easier than my first time around.
I also hope that working on various triggers while I’m inside the house translates to me being more relaxed when I leave the house. J has offered to go on little trips with me to see how things go and I think I will take her up on it.
Aside from the ERP, I puttered around the house and kept myself occupied, doing some writing and listening to music. Lloyd is getting good at coming over to say hi when I approach his tank but I think it has more to do with him expecting to get fed.
Stay safe.