Song: “Light Cavalry Overture” by Franz von Suppé
Mood: 8
Nightmares: 0
I had another good day today. I started to snooze after my alarm went off but J had the day off and she made sure I didn’t fall back asleep. I got up, had breakfast, and headed out to meet up with WG to go record shopping.
It was good to hang out with WG again. We caught up on how things were going and both had good luck at the record store. I walked out of there with seven records for nine bucks. I love the dollar bins. I had a good time chatting with WG and it was very good to see him.
This afternoon I baked a cake. I made it from a mix but it was the first cake I’d made since I was in high school. It was red velvet and I think it turned out pretty well.
J has a bunch of old photo slides that her grandfather took and she’s going through them one at a time to check them out. While she was doing that, I put on some of my new records and we both gave them a listen. One of them is made up of snippets of dozens of classical songs stapled together and played to a disco beat. Somehow, it was not that bad.
The day flew by. I’m really not sure where it all went. I guess that means that it wasn’t too boring!
Stay safe.