Song: “Mr. Giant Man” by James Last
Mood: 8
Today was a good day. I didn’t sleep particularly well – woke up from nightmares twice, I think – but things are pretty good.
I got together with WG this morning at around 10AM and we went to the record store, drove around a bit and stopped at two thrift stores (one that smelled really bad) to see what they had for records, and then went out for lunch at an Indian restaurant that was really good. WG had a lot more luck with records today than I did. I found quite a few promising ones but they when I looked at the vinyl they were all in really bad shape.
On the upside, WG gave me two records that he had duplicates of – a Bob & Doug Mackenzie album and James Last’s Voodoo-Party. I’ve been looking for Voodoo-Party for a couple of years now so I’m really excited to finally have it. I have a feeling that it will be spending a lot of time on the turntable over the next while.
After we were done lunch, we headed back to WG’s place and he showed me how his gardens are coming in. He’s got three raised gardens and some other plants in pots beside the gardens. Lots of tomatoes and beans, and one little pepper plant that’s growing a HUGE pepper. I don’t know how it’s holding itself up.
WG and I talked for a little while longer and then I headed out. I got home shortly before 3PM and plopped down on the couch because I was pooped.
Just as my eyes were starting to close, J got home. I went outside and helped her unload the car and then we talked for a bit. She had a good weekend with her folks and the highway mostly cooperated with her. I was very happy that she was back – video chats are great but they’re not even close to the real thing. After she had a drink and built up some steam, she went outside to put in some plants that she brought back with her.
After that we had a light supper and she brought me up to speed with the news of the world. I try to stay away from news sites so J sorts through them when she reads them and tells me about the interesting or good stories. I then went outside and watered the garden.
It’s been a good (but quite tiring) day. Hanging out with WG was fun and I’m noticing that it’s getting easier to do some things without getting too anxious or panicking. Maybe it was just because I was in a good mood, but I’m going to put a check in the “win” box for today.
I don’t have anything scheduled for tomorrow so I think I’m going to try to catch up on laundry and maybe go for another drive around the area. I don’t think it’s supposed to be quite as warm tomorrow so maybe I’ll spend some time in the garage. We’ll see.
Stay safe!