Song: “Keep A Knockin’” by Little Richard
Mood: 6
Nightmares: 0
Okay, time got away on me really badly so this is going to be a short post.
I woke up a bunch of times again last night. Forgot to grab my earbuds before I went to bed so that didn’t work out. Was awake to hear a storm rumble through around 5AM. I am tired today. That’s pretty much the norm now, I think. I feel like how Maxim Gorky looked:
It was still raining when I finished breakfast, so I went and did my exercises. So much for getting the walk over first. My exercises went pretty well, though, so that was good.
By the time I’d finished, the rain had stopped and the sun was breaking through the clouds so I headed out for my walk. The air was pretty disgusting. You know when you can run while holding your eyes open and never have to blink because the tears never evaporate? That’s what it was like. Between the humidity, the almost physical sensation of the sun pressing down on me, and me being “husky” whilst wearing nothing but black, made for a slow, shambling, miserable walk. But I did it.
I tidied myself up after the walk, then put in a load of laundry and worked on the kitchen. I decided to come up with a completely arbitrary way to specify how well our kitchen resists clutter. In our house, the kitchen has a KLI (Kitchen Load Index) of 1.27. What that means is that the kitchen can be perfectly clean and tidy with everything in their right places, but once 1.27 meals have elapsed, the kitchen is cluttered to the point where it is utterly unusable. There are still plenty of clean dishes, but there are no available flat, clean surfaces to place them (floors, steps, chairs, stools, and other surfaces that are commonly used to sit or stand on do not count toward useable surface area).
While the washer was running, I went back to my homework. I’m just about done. What I’m getting hanged up on now is ranking the various values that are important to me. I feel like there’s a way that I’d like to rank them, but part of my brain is trying to get me to rank them the way I think they should be. I know, I know… I should be doing things the way I’m thinking about them, but I’m not even sure that I’m not fooling myself by running a debate club in my head about this stuff. Anyway…
That stupid beeping is still happening. Part of me is wondering – and bear with me for a minute here – if it could even be something like weird bubble sounds from the aquarium in the living room. Every once in a while it makes a noise that grabs my attention, and when I cleaned the tank a little while ago I moved the bubbler around, so that may have changed how it sounds. It sounds silly, but it’s my best guess so far. I’ll get it figured out, or it will go away. I will be happy either way, I think.
I sent out my texts and had a couple of conversations. I’ve been sending a lot of cat pictures and videos lately, and I’d like to switch over to other animals, or maybe even people. Gotta keep things fresh!
My sister called this afternoon and we had a very good chat. Seems that things are going well with everybody over there, and the kids are out playing all day, which is great. I think they’re going to be having a busy summer. I have no idea where they get the energy to do so much!
Sent an email to the cousin that I met back at the end of May when she stopped in with my aunt and uncle from out East. I wasn’t entirely sure what to say but I complimented her on her art (we have some of her pieces here) and blabbered on a bit about nothing. Hopefully she’ll reply some day – I do a terrible job of keeping track of family so this would be a help.
Too much wind to fly the quadcopter today but it’s charged, tightened up, and ready to go. We’ll see what happens tomorrow.
Tomorrow morning I need to finish my homework, since my appointment is in the afternoon. I think this will be my last one for the next two weeks (Dr P is going on ACT training). It will be nice to have some time off, I think.
So I think that’s about it for today.
Stay safe.