Things Are Going Alright

Song: “Song 2” by Blur

Mood: 7

I remember waking up from two nightmares last night. They didn’t seem as “potent” as usual. With luck, this will be the start of a trend. Otherwise, I slept pretty well.

I did a lot of writing today. It felt good to type out the words, like my brain and fingers were working together.

I tried to contain my worry about work and the health system changes to my worry time but have had limited success. Maybe I need to commit a bit more time to the process.

I cleaned one of my desks today, finally making enough room for the microscope to sit without it being half buried in junk. My next task is to figure out what to do with my three gallon aquarium. I’m tempted to get more shrimp for it but am not completely sure. It takes up a fair amount of room – maybe I’d be better without it. Something to think about.

This Friday, we’re going to dig up a potato plant and have our first garden potatoes for supper. I hope they turn out well – I’ve been very careful to water them over the summer.

J brought home a treat for dessert this evening – cookies and cream ice cream. It was delightful! I took some lactase pills so with luck I won’t be up all night with an upset stomach.

Tomorrow is my Dr W appointment. I have a feeling he’ll be really happy about my motorcycle ride around the city.

Stay safe.

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