Song: Theme from The Munsters by Jack Marshall
Mood: 6
Nightmares: 0
No nightmares last night (I don’t think, at least) but I didn’t sleep well and I couldn’t get back to sleep when I woke up early this morning. A little frustrating. Tonight should be better – J finished the room (it looks great) and everything is back in its proper place.
I had a lot of trouble focusing on what I was doing this morning so my exercises didn’t go all that well. I went for my walk this afternoon but didn’t change anything. I also did the exposure exercise with the stove and the timings worked out to about the same.
I spent some more time reading about micro stuff but had to go back over things a lot because I’d finish a page and couldn’t remember anything that I’d just read. Even so, it was really interesting.
I played around with that Six Degrees of Wikipedia site again and finally managed to stump it:
I still can’t find any trace of that second shrimp. Maybe it somehow climbed up and got stuck in the filter. I wonder if they can survive out of water long enough to walk a little way. Hopefully the shrimp that’s left won’t be too lonely. I wonder if shrimp even care.
Not sure what’s going on tomorrow. Might be another quiet day.
Stay safe.