Still Anxious

Song: “Sweet Emotion” by Aerosmith

Mood: 5

My anxiety from earlier today is still bothering me. I slept quite well last night, with no nightmares that I can remember, but woke up feeling anxious. The good news is that I’ve talked to my mom and she has heard more good news about my uncle, but I don’t think I’ll be able to completely relax about it until after he’s home and back to his regular routine.

J has her meeting tomorrow morning so it’s not too much longer until we find out about that. She’s expecting it to be good news (and I am, too) but there’s a little part of my brain that’s yelling CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION and I can’t ignore it.

My Dr W appointment went quite well today. Since we’re not changing my medication around right now we’ve gone to an appointment every two weeks, with the option of calling him at any point and getting in to see him earlier if needed. I told him about the things that were bothering me today and he said that normal people get nervous about that kind of stuff, and if I wasn’t nervous at all it would probably be a bigger problem.

I’m still thinking about work, too. I wish I could stop, even just for a day.

WG and I are supposed to get together tomorrow morning. It will be really good to see him again. I think we’re going to check out another thrift store to see if there are any records worth buying. It’ll also be nice to chat, too – he always has interesting stories to tell.

I hope that I have another good sleep tonight and get lots of good news tomorrow. That should help me kick this anxiety.

Stay safe!

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