Shouldn’t Have Sat Down

Song: N/A

Mood: 5.5

Nightmares: 1

It was beautiful out yesterday – perfect weather, as far as I’m concerned. About 20C, a bit of wind, and the odd cloud here and there. I opened a bunch of windows again and enjoyed the fresh air – it even smelled good!

I went for my walk and did two laps around the block. I’m still a little physically uncomfortable when I walk but I took it easy and it went alright. The nice thing about doing laps around the block is that I can see the house a lot more, too, which makes things easier.

My exercises went reasonably well yesterday, and I was only interrupted a handful of times.

I caught myself chasing quite a few ghosts again. I did a couple of circuits of the house to make sure everything was ok and then I put in my earbuds and put on my ear defenders and turned up the music, which helped quite a bit.

I spent quite a bit of time thinking about the difference between how I think about stuff and how other people do. My conversation the other day with FA gave me another perspective to think about so I threw it into the mix, too. I still feel ripped off and jealous but at the same time, it gave me some advantages, too. They overtook everything else, but while I was able to balance everything out they could be useful.

I thought more about the security stuff for DA and figured I’d go out to the garage, look through my collection of scrap steel, and cut a piece to start on a prototype… but then I remembered the garage is a mess and the only clear space in it is currently occupied by the truck, which doesn’t have a battery. Oh well. That’s how it goes.

I sent out my round of texts and had a couple of conversations yesterday. I text quite a bit with J’s aunt. She often has something interesting or amusing to say and I enjoy chatting with her. She volunteers quite a bit and does neat things like taking people and showing them neat things around town. I think that’s great. I’d like to volunteer someday.

J headed out to visit her parents after work yesterday. Her drive went well and she had a good evening. She’s helping her mom run a charity fundraiser today – I hope it goes well. It’s raining here this morning. We really need the rain but I hope the weather stays clear for them until their fundraiser is done!

J called last night and we talked for a while. It was very good to talk to her (I already missed her a lot) and I was happy to hear that everything had gone well. We said our good nights and then hung up and I started getting ready for bed.

Unfortunately, I thought of a couple of other things I wanted to do first, and by the time I finished, my evening medications had kicked in pretty hard and it felt like I had stacks of weights hanging from my head, shoulders, fingers, and feet. I needed to brush and floss but it was so hard to move that I thought I’d just sit down on the bed for a minute or two and gather some oomph.

Well, I apparently fell backwards and zonked out HARD because I don’t remember waking up until I had a nightmare this morning at 5:22AM. The light was still on, my feet were still on the floor, I was laying on my back on the bed, and my mouth felt and tasted like the inside of an old bowling shoe. My throat was sore from snoring so much, I had a nasty headache, and my lower back felt like it was made out of rusty, crooked old nails. I groaned my way to my feet, shuffled to the bathroom, took two Tylenol, brushed and flossed my teeth (mainly by feel because I had my eyes screwed shut), and then went back to bed.

Worrying woke me up twice more but I was able to get back to sleep. I woke up around 9:45 and whined to myself about my sore throat, head, and back, and finally heaved myself out of bed around 10:15.

I’m not yet sure what I’m going to do today, but it’s going to be quiet, slow, and interrupted occasionally by a dose of Tylenol.

Stay safe.

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