Quick Post Today

Song: N/A

Mood: 6.5

Nightmares: 0

This is going to be a quick post – between not getting much sleep last night and clearing the driveway today, I’m pooped.

Got to bed late last night and had trouble falling asleep. Woke up a couple of times and had trouble falling asleep then, too. When J got up to head to work (she planned to take the bus instead of driving because of the snowstorm we got last night) I couldn’t get back to sleep so I got up and started my day.

A while later, J returned to the house. She waited for over an hour for a bus and it never came. Apparently there were a lot of stuck buses today.

It was nice to have her home today – I did my exercises (but skipped the treadmill and burpees today) and then we hung out and talked.

At about 2:30PM, J went outside to see how bad the snow was. I was hoping it was minor and that the snow hadn’t drifted in on the driveway. She came back with the report: knee deep.

So we spent the next hour and a half working on the driveway. The snow was heavy, wet, and the consistency of mashed potatoes. The snowblower worked but wasn’t able to throw the snow very far and kept getting stuck. Wrestling with that thing for 90 minutes tired me right out and was nasty on my back. Fortunately, J was really quick with breaking up the chunks of ice-slush-snow into pieces small enough for the snowblower to do its work. It was a team effort that worked really well.

Since I was puffing and panting and I’d already spent so much time outside and the roads were terrible, I didn’t go for my walk today. J didn’t even give me the stink eye, either. We were both pretty tuckered out.

With all the snow we got, the house has been making a lot of noises and really freaking me out. I guess I need to get used to it because it’s going to be a problem for the next few days at least.

I tried out that Six Degrees of Wikipedia again and came up with this one:

From Six Degrees of WikipediaI’m not sure what I’m going to do tomorrow. I think a lot depends on whether J will be home again (which would be nice) and what tickles my fancy. Plus, I just realized I forgot to do laundry today.

Stay safe.

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