One Day Closer To The Weekend

Song: “Dream Police” by Cheap Trick

Mood: 6

Nightmares: 0

Short post tonight – I know I keep saying that, but I really need to get to bed.

No nightmares or bad dreams last night, which is good. No weird dreams, either. I still woke up several times but it wasn’t too hard to get back to sleep.

I didn’t look at the thermometer before I left the house for my walk this morning, and had to turn around and grab a jacket. The sun was big, bright, and deceptive.

Had trouble with my exercises again but I stuck it out and got through both the mindfulness and worry parts.

Did more exposure with the toaster. It’s going about the same.

My mom called this afternoon and we talked for a while. She likes knowing how my appointments go and sees the positive in a lot of places that I wouldn’t consider. The perspective is nice (although there are times when I just can’t see it).

Texted with some friends and family today. I know everyone is busy and has their own stuff going on, but I enjoy saying hello and sending cheesy jokes or pictures or whatever. It doesn’t bother me when people don’t reply – I just hope I’m not getting on their nerves.

I got a text back from that friend I sent the card to the other day. I think it cheered her up a bit, which makes me happy.

Spent some time playing with my phone to see how the new uSD card works. I know there are a lot of counterfeit cards out there and I got this one for a good deal so I wasn’t 100% sure. The good news is that after copying data to and from it a couple of times it looks like it’s the right capacity, the data transfer rate is good, and I think I can trust it to not fail right away. Hopefully I won’t regret saying that.

J went to a big sale at an art store after work today. She picked up some interesting little art-ish things, including “watercolour masking fluid”, which I had no idea even existed. She finds the neatest stuff!

We watched another Boston Legal this evening. I wonder if William Shatner and James Spader were friends when they were off the set – they had such good chemistry in the show.

I’m not sure what’s going on tomorrow, other than getting ready for the weekend. We are still on schedule with DM and FA on Saturday and are really looking forward to it!

Stay safe.

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