Song: N/A
Mood: 5.5
Nightmares: 0
It has been very difficult to accomplish anything this weekend. In addition to the anxiety and guilt, I’m feeling pretty down now, too. I didn’t sleep very well this weekend and my exercises didn’t go well, either, so that may have something to do with it.
Yesterday, I gave up on my exercises after about half an hour and went back upstairs. J went out to see a movie and do some shopping with her cousin, and while she was gone I went back to bed and tried to take a nap. Unfortunately, all I did was spend a little over two hours staring at the walls and ceiling.
Today, I gave up on my exercises after half an hour and just sat there, feeling kind of miserable and unable to scratch together the motivation to get up and do something. About three and a quarter hours later, I hauled myself off the couch and went upstairs to talk to J and do some browsing/researching/thinking, which didn’t go all that great.
J and I started to watch The Big Sick. I think we must both have been having an off day because neither of us found it at all funny. We got 58 minutes in and then gave up. I think we need to try it again sometime – it’s rated very highly but yeah, neither of us could get into it.
Then, we watched the first episode of the 2nd season of Boston Legal. I have no idea why they made so many cast changes, but it’s a shame they did. I’m not saying that additions were bad (I think they’re good), but the previous cast was good, too. I’m particularly surprised at how Monica Potter’s character went out.
J and I had a really long chat this evening, mostly about our pasts and what (if anything) we knew about people we went to college or university or grade school with. We also did some googling to see if we could find some of them and see how they were doing. I was pleasantly surprised to see that some of my old friends have made it big. The whole thing was interesting, and we must’ve talked for about three hours.
The work week starts tomorrow. I need to get a good sleep and then keep myself busy – hopefully my mood will be better tomorrow and I’ll be able to get through my exercises.
Stay safe.