Keeping Pretty Busy

Song: “Keep A Knockin’” by Little Richard

Mood: 6

Nightmares: 0

I woke up quite a bit again last night. No nightmares, so it didn’t take too long to get back to sleep, thank goodness. I’m dragging a bit today but overall it’s not too bad.

Remembering that the temperature caught me by surprise yesterday, I checked the thermometer this morning before I went out. It was quite a bit warmer this morning – pleasantly cool weather for a walk.

I skipped my exercises again today. I’m pretty sure that they’re not feeding my OCD. I can tell/feel that I haven’t spent the time doing them but I don’t feel like I HAVE to do them. I can get on with my day and do other things.

I sent out my texts again and had a couple of conversations. I enjoy sending them out, and it’s amusing to sift through the Internet trying to find new clips of silly things.

Most of my time this afternoon was spent working on the stuff for DA’s cabin. I’ve got the electronics pretty much done but now I’m stuck on a pretty silly problem – I need to solder a thin wire to a piece of metal that’s heavy enough to pull the wire straight when it’s hanging. The problem is a piece of metal that heavy is too big to solder even with the 100W soldering gun I’ve got, it just keeps soaking up the heat so the solder doesn’t melt. I’m sure I’ve got something in the garage that will do the trick, I’ll go out there tomorrow and take a look.

Played some more STO this evening. I tried out an elite map and spent most of it with my ship on fire, but managed to keep it from exploding. Got a couple of compliments from my teammates about that, and some friend requests. I guess they have pretty low standards. My Klingon character spends a lot of time dead or exploded or whatever, but it’s still amusing to play. Very different from my main character.

J and I watched another Parks and Recreation this evening. Dr W always asks to see if we are still hanging out and watching shows or movies. He says it’s important that we keep doing that, and I’m certainly not going to argue with him.

Not so good at writing this evening. I’ve been working on this post for over an hour now and this is all I’ve got. On the upside, I looked up the Wikipedia entry for “Klingon” and just learned that the name comes from a police officer who served with Gene Roddenberry – Lieutenant Wilbur Clingan. I had no idea.

Stay safe.

2 Thoughts on “Keeping Pretty Busy

  1. Hey Mark, does that wire really need to be _soldered_ onto the piece of metal? I mean, I don’t know your design, but maybe you can put a bolt through the metal and just hold the wire on with that? If it moves then soldering it on may not be good anyway since the end of the solder joint would be your stiff/weak point… They have those crimp terminals for car stuff as well, if your wire isn’t too thin for that.

    • You’re absolutely right – a bolt, nut, and a couple of washers will definitely do the trick. Thank you for the idea! 8)

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