J Is Heading Out

J has been very busy today getting everything ready for her trip. Suitcases are packed, paperwork is printed, batteries are charged, things that needed to be bought are bought, and she’s ready to go.

She called and booked a cab for 4:45 tomorrow morning. Nope, not a typo. Brutal.

I think we’re both a little nervous and will feel better when she is safe and comfy in her hotel room tomorrow evening.

J is going to have a good time on this trip, I think. Aside from getting there and getting home (which are always stressful), I think she’s going to enjoy meeting people she’s only heard over the phone, and it looks like the hotel has the amenities so she can get in some pampering if she feels like it.

I’m not particularly concerned about the week while she’s away – I don’t expect I will have much trouble keeping myself busy. I’ve got a lot of people I can call or text if I get bored or feel like I need to talk to a human being, too.

Have a good trip and a wonderful week, sweetie! I’ll see you on Thursday!

Stay safe.

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