I didn’t sleep very well last night. Between worrying about those government changes and the reduction in my Zopiclone, I couldn’t fall asleep. Usually it takes about two hours for the medication to kick in and start to slow me down in the evening but I think I was somewhere around five hours in before I fell asleep. The sleep I did get, though, was very good. That new mattress pad works wonders. It feels kind of weird when I first sit on it but it helps my back out a tremendous amount.
J had today off so we split up around 11:30AM. I headed off to my appointment with Dr C and J headed off to the Honda dealership to get the summer tires put back on. My appointment went quite well – I think we’re starting to get close to cracking the source of some of my problems. That would be fantastic but boy, is it tiring. I always surprise myself with how mentally tired I am after a session. There’s an awful lot of thinking and listening to my mind involved and I still sometimes find it hard to accept that I need or deserve help. To top if off, I forgot the cheque today. Dr C was fine with that but I still felt pretty bad about it. I’m glad she knows that I’m not trying to rip her off.
After my appointment, I met J at the dealership and we went to Canadian Tire to pick up some seeds, lawn bags, and deck waterproofing stain. Midway through our walk through the store, I started to feel quite tired. By the time we got back into the truck, my throat had begun to hurt. By the time I got home I had a headache and my skin hurt.
I’ve caught the cold that’s going around. Wonderful.
I went and plopped myself down on the couch in the basement, pulled a blanket up to my neck, and tried to get comfortable. I think I snoozed for a little while but I wasn’t very comfortable so I ended up going up to bed and getting an hour or so of sleep. Some Tylenol helped my aches so things weren’t too bad, but I feel like I’ve been dragged behind a gravel truck. Hopefully I kick the bug quickly and am back to feeling well.
This evening J and I are going to watch some more episodes of Community and putter around the house a bit. There’s always something that needs cleaning up or fixing!
Stay safe!