My weekend started off on a high note β hanging out with FA on Friday was great and it put me in a really good mood. Saturday was a beautiful day so J and I went to an old bookstore/antique shop that is closing out (the owners are retiring) and bought some books and records. It was +18C in the afternoon so we opened a bunch of windows and enjoyed the fresh spring air as we puttered around the house.
Today, J went over to her cousin’s place to hang out and do some art and craft-y stuff so I had the house to myself. I spent some time writing and a lot of time playing Mass Effect. I’m really enjoying the game so far. It took a little bit to get used to but I’m really into it now and having a blast. WG called and we talked for about half an hour about everything and nothing, which was quite nice, too. I can’t go to the record store with him tomorrow morning but he’s going to try to come over on Wednesday for lunch. It will be very good to see him again!
My plants are coming up quite well. All eight tomato plants are doing well and the beans are blasting their way out of the dirt and coming up really fast. I think I may have a couple of pepper plant sprouts, too. I’m waiting on the rest of the peppers and the herbs (basil, paprika, and parsley). It’s still too cold to plant them but that means J and I still have time to figure out how we want to plant stuff β either in pots on the deck or in a raised garden on the lawn. We’re both leaning toward a raised garden but it’s not official yet. WG has a raised garden at his place and he built it using cedar boards. That sounds like a pretty good idea β maybe a little expensive to start, but it won’t rot like normal lumber, won’t poison us like treated lumber, and won’t leach chemicals into the soil like vinyl will.
The weather is supposed to improve this week. My plan for the week is to do some more driving to try to expand my comfort zone a little more. I also want to start getting used to the motorcycle again. It would be so nice to ride it, even just around the neighbourhood would be wonderful!
I hope you have a good week!
Stay safe!