After a day of feeling better, the cold/flu/plague I picked up came back with reinforcements. I spent the weekend blowing my nose, coughing, and sneezing. Today in some ways has been the worst – lacking the energy to do anything, I spent most of my day either in bed or wishing I was in bed.
On the upside, I did finally finish a thank-you letter that I’ve been working on for the better part of a year. It’ll feel good to finally send it. Only one more letter to go and I’ll be all caught up!
J and I watched a bunch of Community episodes last night and had a good time. I think we’re going to watch a couple more this evening but I’m not totally sure.
I was supposed to get together with WG and FA tomorrow but I got in touch with them today and cancelled. I hate doing that, I was really looking forward to the record store and going on a caper with FA.
Well… I guess this is going to be a short post because I need to go and blow my nose. AGAIN.
Stay safe!