Song: “Hopping Mad” by Jive Bunny and the Mastermixers
Mood: 5.5
Nightmares: 0
I haven’t been feeling quite myself lately. I’m tired (which is pretty normal I guess) and I can’t stand being in the same room as myself. I’m not sure what changed or what I did but it started late in the afternoon on Thursday and has continued through the weekend, and it makes me just want to go to bed and try again tomorrow. I really haven’t felt like writing, but that’s probably a sign that I should actually do some.
My exercises haven’t gone particularly well, either. Even with J home on the weekend, I haven’t been able to focus. I’ve caught myself starting to fall asleep quite a bit, but I can never quite get there. I end up getting frustrated and put music on instead. I guess sitting there with the music on is better than nothing.
Not surprisingly, I haven’t accomplished a whole lot over the weekend, either. The weather has been kind of crappy, but even so, I’ve spent far too much time sitting on my butt, playing Star Trek (although the USS Gungalosis is a magnificent ship). There are a lot of other things that I want to do (and other things that I really NEED to do), but I can’t seem to build up the steam to do anything. Bed, to chair, to couch, to chair, to bed. There’s laundry to do, my nephew’s birthday card to put in the mail, and those microtome samples are still sitting in the freezer, waiting for me to give them a try.
Well, I’ve been working at this for about and hour and this is all I’ve managed to come up with so I think I’m going to stop here and head to bed. Maybe I’ll have more oomph tomorrow.
Stay safe.