Halfway Done The Week

Song: “Flowers On The Wall” by the Statler Brothers

Mood: 7

Today went pretty well. I had a decent sleep last night and woke up feeling pretty good. I had breakfast with J and then went back to bed and set an alarm for an hour and a half. It didn’t take long for me to fall back asleep.

This morning I had my Dr H appointment. It had been two months since I’d seen her and it was good to hear that the tests that I’d done had come back with no bad results. She’s happy I’m back on the rosuvastatin and my backaches were a result of a mattress and posture problem, and not from my skeletal muscle breaking down from the medication. My next appointment with her is in five months. Five months! That’s the longest wait for a GP appointment I’ve had since I started seeing one back in 2005 or so. I’m very happy that she feels that I’m physically on good enough ground that she doesn’t need to check in on me every month. I’m calling that a win.

I was supposed to pick up welding rods, a welding respirator, and juice mix on the way home but forgot it all. I really need to start taking notes and keeping them with me.

While I was backing out of the driveway, the truck made a growling sound from the front passenger side. I’m not sure what it was but if it does it again I think I’m going to take it in to get checked. Don’t want a tie rod breaking in the middle of traffic or something like that.

I’ve been debating with myself whether I should take a class sometime soon. My concentration is much better than it used to be and I think taking a class would be a good test. Of course, my memory isn’t all that great, so maybe I should hold off until that gets a little better.

I found a very interesting website written by someone who suffers from Bipolar Disorder. It’s called Purple Persuasion and the author is an excellent writer who I feel does a really good job of discussing her difficulties and successes. I enjoy reading her posts and feel like I can understand some of the things she’s experiencing.

Tomorrow is my last appointment with Dr C for a year. I hope everything goes well for her. I’m going to miss her a lot, I think as a therapist and patient we worked together quite well. I’m not really sure what else to say – what do you say to someone who has saved your life?

Stay safe!

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