Gotta Be Real Quick

Song: “Country Roads” by John Denver

Mood: 7

Nightmares: 2+

Ghosts: Lots

I haven’t been posting as often as usual, sorry. I’m having a lot of trouble getting a good sleep. Nightmares last night (tent), and for whatever stupid reason, I fell asleep on the couch again so my throat’s been sore and I’ve had a headache all day.

Talked with my folks today, they’re doing well. More renovations (baseboards this time) and they’re quite busy. It was good to talk to them.

J’s aunt drove me to and from my appointment today, bless her little heart. We had a very good chat there and on the way home. It was almost… dare I say it? Pleasant?

The appointment itself was a little harder mainly because it went on for quite some time and we talked a lot about medications. We’re trying lowering the venlafaxine this week to see how it goes. Wish me luck!

There’s a bunch more to talk about (remind me about the eggs I had today) but I’m too tired to concentrate.

Stay safe.

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