Song: N/A
Mood: 6
Nightmares: 0
Ghosts: Lots
Okay, bullet points today, sorry:
- Today was a good day
- The BBQ still works
- I got a bunch of stuff done around the house, like laundry and kitchen
- The printer seems to still be behaving
- J and I watched the last available episode of Stranger Things
- My aunt and uncle should be arriving tomorrow shortly after lunch
- I have a Dr W appointment later tomorrow afternoon
- J has the day off, which I am very happy about
- The news stuff is really bothering me now, I think I’ll have to avoid it entirely for a while again
- I’m winding myself up like crazy for what will certainly be no reason at all but it SUCKS
- J reminded me that this week marks two years since my last discharge from the psych ward
Stay safe.