Song: “I Think I Love You” by The Partridge Family
Mood: 6.5
Nightmares: 0
I slept alright last night. Woke up four or five times to listen carefully and check the pictures on my phone and make sure that everything seemed okay. Pretty much normal nowadays I suppose.
I’ve been pretty good about having that extra cooked egg with breakfast. I had a cooked one in the fridge and was looking forward to it (it’s a nice contrast to Raisin Bran and toast) so I went to crack and peel it but I hit it too hard and ended up cutting it in half and the yolk fell out and stuff was all over the place. So I didn’t get my egg today. I’m not sure if it’s making any difference to how I feel overall, but I have noticed that that weird feeling I get when I haven’t eaten for too long now takes longer to show up.
One of the other things that Dr C and I talked about was whether the thought of leaving the house and driving around is causing me more problems than the actual leaving and driving. I completely agree with that – I spend a lot of time winding myself up when I know something’s coming, and my days are fairly rigidly scheduled. We discussed this for a little bit and then came up with the idea to install a random alarm app for my phone that would set off an alarm within a span of time that I set. That way, I wouldn’t know when it would be time for me to go out and do my homework. It sounded like a pretty solid plan.
Unfortunately, it didn’t work. Instead of worrying about going outside and doing my homework, I was worried about going outside, doing my homework, and WHEN WAS THE &#*$%%!@*% ALARM GOING TO SOUND?
So no luck with that. That’s okay, it was just a test and there are a bunch of other things I can try. I removed the app without ever hearing the alarm, and went outside to do my stuff.
When I got back in, I started sending out my round of texts and had a couple of little conversations. It’s nice staying in touch with people, even when they’re busy and don’t have time to text back.
My sister called today for our weekly chat and we talked each other’s ears off. She has been very busy lately (and it doesn’t look like it’s going to let up any time soon) but she’s doing well. The kids are doing pretty well, except one is home from school today with a fever, poor guy. We talked for over half an hour and it was good to catch up. I really enjoy these weekly chats.
Just after I got off the phone with my sister, Mom called and I had a good conversation with my parents. Not too much is new with them so they were mainly just calling to say hello and see how things were going. It was good to talk to them – I am looking forward to seeing them again!
After that, I went over to the sewing machine. The first thing I did was try out the new overcast foot. It seems to be pretty well built, is smooth on the bottom, and snapped into place very easily. To test it, I grabbed a scrap piece of towel material, lined it up, and hit the go pedal. Before I could blink, there was white fuzz all over the place and the material was almost hopelessly tangled up in the foot. It took me a while before I freed it all up, set up again, and gave it another try. I was able to keep it going, but only if I went very slowly and kept feeding the fabric below the foot with my fingers uncomfortably close to the needle as the machine ran.
I guess it’s not meant for towels. That’s fine. I had a piece of scrap denim and I the overcast foot on that and it worked very very well. It makes it sooooo easy to enclose an edge so it won’t fray. No guesswork, just set the stitch width to 6 (on my machine, anyway), keep the fabric up against the guide, and presto – it works great!
I decided that the bag I built the other day – while is pretty neat and I like it – could be less complicated. I designed a new bag that lets me get three bags out of a yard of fabric instead of two, and it’s a lot easier to sew together. It just so happens that this design needs me to secure some edges and keep them from fraying. Check this out:
I’m really happy with how that edge looks, and I think it’ll be quite functional, too. I wish I could get the machine to sew the stitches a little closer to each other but it doesn’t look like that’s an option. Not a big deal.
Unfortunately, I got a little puzzled over how to attach the handles, and I was having increasing trouble with ghosts around the house demanding my attention. I don’t think it is really a big problem… the issue was more that I’d been doing sewing stuff for hours and my brain and eyes weren’t working together very well so I put it aside for the day.
Tomorrow, I am going to do some cleaning up downstairs and when that’s done, I’m going to finish up that bag and pump out a couple more (I think I will end up having five when all is done). If things go really well, I’ll start in on the towels again. I think I just thought of a better way to measure that material than just laying it out on the bed. Must think.
But first, must sleep.
Stay safe.