Exploring ACT Some More

Song: N/A

Mood: 6

Nightmares: 0

I hate to do this two days in a row but my battery is just about flat and I still want to jot down what happened today. So, in bullet form:

Good Things

  • No nightmares.
  • Texted with a few people.
  • The air smelled very nice this morning.
  • Played some more Star Trek Online. Got a promotion and I now have a Constitution Class ship (the USS Athlete’s Foot) to go with my original Miranda class ship (the USS Bursitis). Joined a fight I probably shouldn’t have – there must’ve been 50 ships in there, all of which were HUGE compared to the Athlete’s Foot and were swooping around, blasting away at each other. I got hit once and almost lost my ship. I tried to help but I’m pretty sure I wasn’t supposed to be there.
  • Cooked pasta this afternoon so we could have pasta salad for supper.
  • Talking with Dr P and we are going to explore ACT further. I’m fine with that because we’ve had some luck with it in the past. As part of it, he wants me to write my own (future – like 50 years from now) eulogy. It’s an exercise that’s meant to help reveal what my values are and what I want to get out of life.
  • Watched another Boston Legal with J.
  • Nice storm this evening.

Bad Things

  • Woke up a lot worrying last night.
  • Very tired today.
  • Exercises didn’t work at all today.
  • Spent far too much time chasing ghosts. It interrupted a lot of stuff I was trying to do.
  • Dr P appointment was very difficult and draining today.
  • I don’t know what I’m going to do about staying with Dr P or switching back to Dr C when she comes back in mid-August.

And that’s about it I think. Wish me luck for a good sleep tonight. I feel like I’m really falling behind, sleep-wise.

Stay safe.

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