Song: “Sweet Home Chicago” by the Blues Brothers.
Mood: Eight. Getting pretty tired.
This is going to be a pretty short post because I’m pooped.
So this afternoon we had some friends over for pizza and a game night. It’s been quite some time since we’ve seen them so instead of playing any games we just talked. It was really good. Lots of laughter, lots of good stories, and it just felt good to hang out with them again. I started to get a little anxious about two hours in but I took a lorazepam and that helped quite a bit.
Since our guests were bringing the pizza, J and I decided to make monster cookies for dessert. I got a good recipe for them in one of the cooking groups at the hospital. I did my best but I’m not a professional baker so some of the cookies came out looking pretty un-cookie-ish, but they tasted pretty good and went over well after we’d finished the pizza.
It’s so wonderful to have good friends to hang out with. J and I are very lucky.
Tomorrow evening my pass ends so J is going to take me back to the hospital after supper. With luck I’ll be discharged on Monday!
Stay safe!