Carbon Copy

Song: “Hooked On A Feeling”, by Blue Swede

Mood: 5

Nightmares: 0

Today was almost exactly the same as yesterday, except the phone didn’t ring.

I gave up on my exercises about 45 minutes in and just sat on the couch, staring at nothing and trying to not argue with my mind.

My walk didn’t go very well. It was difficult to turn the corner and stop seeing the house and I walked briskly around the block to get it over with as quickly as I could.

I did the oven exposure again today and that is definitely getting better, so that’s good. I also did my sheets for Dr P. I’m pretty sure I’m doing one of them wrong but my appointment is tomorrow so I can ask him then.

Called a request into the radio station (“Hooked On A Feeling”) and they played it. That was nice.

Worked on the quadcopter again and then went back over my work on DA’s cabin stuff. I’m having trouble trusting that I’ve done it correctly.

Found some audio recordings of sessions with Dr C that I thought I’d lost. They are all about my nightmares, and if they come back I will be able to listen to the sessions – they helped quite a bit before.

J and I watched another Boston Legal.

FA is coming over tomorrow, which will be great. I haven’t seen her in a while and it’s always good to hang our with her.

I have my appointment with Dr P tomorrow after FA and I are done hanging out. I am kind of dreading it but this is my only appointment this week so I shouldn’t complain.

I thought there was something else I was going to write down but can’t remember.

Stay safe.

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