And Another Weekend Passes By

Song: N/A

Mood: 5

Nightmares: 0

This weekend went by quickly. I didn’t accomplish a lot, but I am feeling a bit better than I did last week. With luck, this means the mediation changes that Dr W did are starting to kick in and I’ll get out of this rut.

We got some snow this weekend. Not the huge pile of it that the forecast predicted, but enough to say that I think the snow is here to stay. I need to clean up the garage and move the snowblower closer to the door for when I need it.

My mom called with some bad news – one of my uncles is ill and it doesn’t look particularly good. I’ve got my fingers crossed that he’s going to be okay.

I’m supposed to go record shopping with WG tomorrow morning. I hope I can scrape together the oomph to do it. I cancelled last week and still feel bad about it.

Stay safe.

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