Song: “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor
Mood: 8.5
This weekend went by in a flash, mainly because I think it was a really good one. J and I watched movies Friday and Saturday evening (Big Hero 6, Zootopia, and The Secret Life of Pets) and I got a bunch of things done around the house and took some extra time for my mindfulness and worry exercises.
Today was a very good day that started out a little rough. When we were outside getting ready to head out, J got stung by a wasp. She’s not allergic or anything but it sure hurt. I think there’s a wasp nest under our driveway – when we got home I could see wasps moving into and out of a crack between the house and driveway so we were probably too close to their nest. I’ll deal with them tomorrow.
Anyway, J and I went over to FA and DM’s place and helped take down their back fence. I first thought it was going to be really easy, then I thought it was going to take a very long time, then it turned out to be simple but hard work. It was pretty muggy out so I was sweating like there was no tomorrow but things went very well. My only problem was that there were quite a few sirens during the day, but J got me a PRN and that helped a lot.
It felt good to be outside working, and it was great to chat with FA and DM again. It’s been a very long time since J and I have been over to their house – years, in fact. Thankfully, J drove (there was no way I’d be able to drive there) and I was able to relax.
After we were done, FA and I went to the dump to get rid of the junk lumber but unfortunately it was already closed. When we got back to the house, J and DM were out getting supper, so FA and I went to try some fancy cheeses and I broke their cheese knife on a piece of Parmesan. Yes, the one that she bought just last week. I knew I shouldn’t have told her to get the one with the red handle…
J and DM arrived at about that time and we had supper (some really good pizza and ice cream dessert) and had a great time chatting and catching up a bit. I had been a little nervous about things (namely how was the house, did I actually help or get in the way, and would I say something stupid while we were talking) but things went so well that I shouldn’t have worried at all. FA and DM are good friends and good people and everything just went great. I think J had a really good time too.
So that’s another check on my list of stuff I wanted to do but was afraid to.
I also heard from WG today and tomorrow he and I are going to head to the record store! I’m looking forward to that – it’s been a while since I last saw him. It’ll be nice to catch up.
But now I’m going to head toward bed and (with luck) have a good sleep.
Stay safe!